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Diagram: External Layouting

By activating this feature the Business Manager will create new layouts on edits of your processes, which are then visible in your Business Navigator instance. These new layouts show our new capabilities (e.g. pools, extended task and entity information, etc.), which are continuously extended.

To initially create the new layouts for your processes please talk to your responsible person at Symbioworld for details.


  • Your database has to be configured to being able to communicate with a graphic service instance in order for the new layouts to be successfully generated (please talk to your responsible person at Symbioworld for details)
  • If you want to maintain application swimlanes and have them available in the generated layouts, you have to activate the feature Diagram mode: Application Swimlane
  • If you want to maintain pools in Business Manager side (which you are then able to see graphically in the new layouts), you have to activate the feature Method: BPMN Pools