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Jira Project configuration

Create or use an existing Company-managed Jira project.

(Team-managed project are currently not supported)

Go to Project settings -> Layout and add the Symbio Link attribute to the Issue types you will synchronize with Symbio.


Add the attribute “Sybmio Link”


Go to Project settings --> Apps --> Symbio Connector


You can configure the synchronization directions:

Symbio --> Jira: This activates the possibility to manually triggered Symbio Requirements to Jira Issus

Jira --> Symbio: This activates the automatically updated Symbio Requirements after changing the configured Jira Issues.

Domain: You must select one Symbio domain to store the synchronized objects

Jira Issue Type: You can configure which Jira Issue Type you want to synchronize

Symbio Stereotype: You can optionally configure that only the selected Stereotypes are configured.
