How to create a button to show a location in Google Maps

How to create a button to show a location in Google Maps

  1. Create a Google API Key
    • Go to the Google Cloud Platform Console.
    • Click the project drop-down and select or create the project for which you want to add an API key.
    • Click the menu button and select APIs & Services > Credentials.
    • On the Credentials page, click + Create Credentials > API key.
      The API key created dialog displays the newly created API key.
    • Click Close.
      The new API key is listed on the Credentials page under API Keys.
      (Remember to restrict the API key before using it in production.)
  2. Go to the admin area.
  3. Click in the Configure category on Navigation.
  4. Create a new button:

    • Expand Toolbar element (see 1 on graphic)
    • Select Services (Architecture) element (see 2 on graphic)
    • Select type Open dialog button (see 3 on graphic)
    • Enter the name Open in Google Maps (see 4 on graphic)
    • Click on New to create the button

    Create Google Button 5. Go to the detail content of the created button element and do the following changes: - Activated: Activate the checkbox to enable the button - Valid for facet: Select the Locations facet - URL: Use the following URL:[ATX_LATITUDE],[ATX_LONGITUDE]&key={YOUR_CREATED_GOOGLE_API_KEY}

Now you can open the locations (Organizations -> Locations), create or select a location with longitude and latitude and open the dialog by clicking on Services -> Open in Google Maps.

Google Maps dialog